What is psychodynamic psychotherapy?
Here’s a primer from Psychology Today.

Why do private pay rather than use my health insurance?
Many people don’t want mental health diagnoses in their medical records. If we don’t use your insurance benefits, I won’t need to submit a diagnosis to your insurance provider to justify treatment. My clients enjoy the privacy of private pay, and they like having control over this area of the lives. 

In my opinion, mental health treatment fits poorly into the medical model insurance companies follow. A depression diagnosis is a real condition, but there’s not always only one way to “cure” it, unlike, say, a case of strep throat that will get resolved with a course of antibiotics.

I understand that most individuals seeking psychotherapy are wanting to use their health insurance benefits – for which they’re paying hefty monthly premium! – and I understand and empathize. But I also feel its my ethical duty to explain why private pay is an option I offer so that you can consider it as you undertake psychotherapy, either with me or another provider.

I believe that therapy is a place to be authentically you. Through the time we spend together, I’ll get to know you and help you know yourself.

More to come…