Therapy & Counseling - What to Expect

It often takes a few therapy or counseling sessions to get to know each other. I require full payment of $150 for a 50-minute intake session. If we’re going to be discussing a discounted fee, that goes into effect in the second session. My office is located in the Minneapolis area.

During counseling visits we’ll discuss what symptoms or changes in your life bring you to therapy now, personal and family background, and any other mental health treatment you’ve received previously. I’ll talk to you a bit about how I think about and conduct therapy. Some important important ideas include free association, dream interpretation, and focus on what’s happening here and now in the treatment room. I’ll offer you my impression of what I’m starting to hear in your story that we’ll be able to work on and dive deeper into through therapy.

“Diving deeper in” is a good quick phrase to describe the depth psychology I enjoy providing and find most useful for clients. Most of us are looking for a quick fix to our problems – or a brief and manualized style of therapy that resolves symptoms in only seven sessions or less! However, I don’t think that’s a realistic possibility. Concerns related to mental health and life functioning are complex and multi-layered. We’ll likely need some time to unwrap them. See my FAQs page for more information.

This video from the American Psychoanalytic Association is also quick and informative!

Minneapolis Counseling Therapy
"The musician of disordered sound, the poet of decomposed language, the painter and sculptor of the fragmented visual and tactile world: they all portray the break up of the self and, through the rearrangement and reassemble of the fragments, try to create new structures that possess wholeness, perfection, new meaning."
Heinz Kohut